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Gimoka Group′s President Ivan Padelli appointed in the Board of Creval – Crédit Agricole - Comunicaffe

Gimoka Group′s President Ivan Padelli appointed in the Board of Creval – Crédit Agricole  Comunicaffe

Italian historic roaster Caffè Mauro joins the Gimoka Group - Comunicaffe

Italian historic roaster Caffè Mauro joins the Gimoka Group  Comunicaffe

Davide Padelli, CEO of Gruppo Gimoka: ‘All-round investments to enhance company’s growth’ - Comunicaffe

Davide Padelli, CEO of Gruppo Gimoka: ‘All-round investments to enhance company’s growth’  Comunicaffe

Gimoka makes another big investment with a Neuhaus Neotec roaster - Comunicaffe

Gimoka makes another big investment with a Neuhaus Neotec roaster  Comunicaffe